
Showing posts from January, 2021

Wix Corvid

 Introduction: $w( ): Selects and returns elements from a page. String means Id pass   # Symbol    multiple selectors separated by commas . If two or more selectors select the same element, it's still returned only once in the array. API Properties :- id ,  type ,  show() ,  hide() Example: Select element using Id :  let myElement = $w ( "#myElement" ) ; 2 3 let elementType = myElement . type ; // "$w.Type" Select element using by Type:  let typeElements = $w ( "Type" ) ; 2 3 let firstOfType = typeElements [ 0 ] ; Select all the images on the page: let imageElements = $w ( "Image" ) ; 2 3 let firstImage = imageElements [ 0 ] ; Select element using multiple selector:  let selected = $w ( "#myElement1, #myElement3, Type" ) ; Select all the page image hide: $w ( "Image" ) . hide ( ) ; Syntax:             function $w ( selector : string ) : Element | Array < Element >   ...

Switching Tab in wix

Multi State Boxes STEPS:- 1) First of all please on development mode in wix. 2) Click the + ( add) icon. 3) Select and click interactive 4) And select and drag and drop Boxes -> Multi state boxes. 6) And manage and rename state boxes like repeater  7) Add the code -> open code corvid  terminal and past the following code and changes the accordingly  8) code => $w.onReady( function  () {                 $w( '# add button id' ).onClick(() => {         $w( '# add state box id' ).changeState( " add box name edited " );     });       $w( '# next button id ' ).onClick(() => {         $w( '# add state box id ' ).changeState( " add box name " );     }); });